Prepare for your  assistant

Preparation is Key - Prepare Your Mind

October 05, 20233 min read

Mentally preparing to work with an assistant as a business owner is essential for building a productive and harmonious working relationship. Here are some key steps you can take to ensure you're mentally ready:

Preparation is key - Prepare Your Mind

Here are 12 ways to prepare your mind for the perfect start to working with your new Virtual Assistant!

Define Your Expectations and Goals:

Before you hire an assistant, be clear about your expectations and what you hope to achieve by bringing them on board. Understand the specific tasks you want them to handle and the value they should bring to your business.

Let Go of Control:

One of the most significant mental shifts is learning to delegate and relinquish control. Recognize that your assistant is there to help and free up your time, so trust them to handle tasks as instructed. Be open to different ways of accomplishing tasks, as your assistant may have valuable insights and approaches.

Effective Communication:

ChatGPT said: Establish clear and open lines of communication from the beginning. Regularly communicate your goals, preferences, and expectations. Encourage your assistant to ask questions and seek clarification when needed.

Shequana says: I suggest starting with weekly meetings and later going to bi-weekly or monthly meetings.

Patience and Adaptability:

Understand that there may be a learning curve for both you and your assistant. Be patient as they familiarize themselves with your business processes. Be adaptable and open to adjustments in workflows and procedures as you work together.

Set Boundaries and Work-Life Balance:

ChatGPT says: Define boundaries between your work and personal life. Just because you have an assistant doesn't mean you need to be available 24/7. Set working hours and respect personal time to prevent burnout.

Shequana says: Also, understand that your Virtual Assistant has a life and may also be working with other clients, being sure to establish boundaries around that is important as well. A conversation around how your VA creates balance when working with multiple clients is helpful to your relationship. Your more seasoned VA's will be able to manage this better.

Mentoring and Training:

ChatGPT says: Mentally prepare to invest time in training and mentoring your assistant. Share your knowledge and provide guidance as they become acclimated to your business environment.

Shequana says: Make this easier by documenting your processes and creating SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures) around that documentation.

Acknowledge Their Expertise:

Recognize that your assistant may have specialized skills or knowledge in areas where you may not. Be open to learning from them and utilizing their expertise to benefit your business.

Feedback and Improvement:

Embrace feedback as a two-way street. Encourage your assistant to provide feedback on processes and communication, and be willing to provide constructive feedback to help them improve their performance.

Trust Your Hiring Decision:

Remember that you hired your assistant for a reason – because you believed they were capable of helping your business. Trust in your hiring decision, and if issues arise, address them proactively rather than second-guessing your choice.

Personal Growth and Development:

Mentally preparing to work with an assistant can also involve personal growth. Recognize that your role may shift from doing tasks to more strategic thinking and decision-making. Embrace this opportunity for personal and professional development.

Celebrate Successes Together:

As you and your assistant achieve milestones and goals, celebrate your successes together. Acknowledging achievements fosters a positive working relationship and motivates both of you to continue working toward shared objectives.

Shequana says: Major Key 🗝

Maintain a Positive Attitude:

Approach the collaboration with a positive attitude. A positive mindset can help you overcome challenges and build a strong, productive partnership with your assistant.

By mentally preparing yourself in these ways, you can set the foundation for a successful working relationship with your assistant. Remember that working together effectively takes time and effort, but the benefits in terms of increased productivity and reduced workload can be substantial.

When you've got your mind right and you're ready to bring on support in your business, check out Strategic Virtual Support where we go beyond the task.

Thank you ChatGPT for putting my thoughts into words.

Preparing for your virtual assistant Preparing for my virtual assistant Hiring a Virtual assistant Working with a Virtual assistant Virtual assistant Strategic virtual assistant Strategic virtual support SvsShequana Hughes
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Shequana Hughes

As a wife, mother of five, and business owner, Shequana knows all-too-well what it means to burn the fire at both ends. For the past 6 years, it has been her mission to free herself and women alike from the grind of entrepreneurship through systems and automation. She has helped moms in business save thousands of hours in administrative tasks to spend more time on the things they love most.

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