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January Is Too Late

November 14, 20233 min read

As the holiday season approaches, it's tempting to put off business planning and preparation for the new year until January. After all, December is typically a busy month filled with festivities and celebrations. However, the old adage "January is too late" holds more truth than you might think, especially when it comes to getting the help you need for the year ahead. Below are common mistakes business owners make and ways to combat the need to hold off.

Why wait❓

The Waiting Game: A Common Mistake

It's a common scenario for business owners to delay their planning and hiring until the calendar flips to January. They often underestimate the time it takes to set goals, make strategic decisions, and onboard the necessary resources, whether it's new team members, virtual assistants, or technology solutions.

Here's why waiting until January is a mistake:

1. Missed Opportunities: The early bird gets the worm, and the same principle applies to business planning. By waiting until January, you could miss out on valuable opportunities that your competitors have already seized.

2. Rushed Decision-Making: Hasty decisions can lead to suboptimal outcomes. When you're pressed for time, you may not have the luxury of carefully evaluating your options or conducting thorough research.

3. Incomplete Planning: Effective planning is a process that requires time and consideration. Rushed planning can result in incomplete strategies and missed details.

4. Overwhelm: Trying to cram all your planning and hiring into a short timeframe can be overwhelming for you and your team. It can lead to stress and burnout, which are counterproductive to success.

5. Delays in Execution: The longer you wait to make decisions and bring in resources, the longer it will take to implement your plans. This delay can impact your ability to achieve your goals for the year.

What's next ❓

The Solution: Start Now

So, what's the solution? Start planning for the new year now. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Set Clear Goals: Define your objectives and goals for the upcoming year. What do you want to achieve, and how will you measure success?

2. Assess Your Needs: Determine the resources, talent, and support you'll need to accomplish your goals. This includes evaluating whether you need to hire additional team members or virtual assistants.

3. Create a Plan: Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps needed to achieve your goals. Identify key milestones and timelines.

4. Begin the Hiring Process: If you anticipate needing additional help, start the hiring process early. This allows you to find the right candidates and provide ample onboarding time.

5. Implement Technology: Explore and implement any technology solutions that will support your goals. This might include software, tools, or automation systems.

6. Communicate Your Vision: Share your plans and vision with your team to ensure everyone is aligned and working toward common objectives.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that January is the ideal time to start planning for the new year. Waiting until then can lead to missed opportunities, rushed decisions, and unnecessary stress. By starting now, you'll give yourself the time and space needed to create well-thought-out strategies and assemble the right team to execute them.

Remember, the early bird gets the worm, and the early planner sets the stage for a successful year. So, why wait? Start your new year preparations today and position your business for growth, prosperity, and excellence.

Get a head start on the new year by scheduling your Good Fit Call with Strategic Virtual Support, the support you deserve. https://shequanahughes.com/svs-home-

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Shequana Hughes

As a wife, mother of five, and business owner, Shequana knows all-too-well what it means to burn the fire at both ends. For the past 6 years, it has been her mission to free herself and women alike from the grind of entrepreneurship through systems and automation. She has helped moms in business save thousands of hours in administrative tasks to spend more time on the things they love most.

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